NIRVANA-Aufnahmen Oktober 1993 - Januar 1994 |
September 1993 bis April 1994
NIRVANA #9 bestanden von September 1993 bis April
1994 aus Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic, Dave Grohl und Pat Smear
(geboren am 08.05.1959 als George Ruthenburg) an der 2. Gitarre.
Mit Pat Smear geht es auf die letzte Nordamerika-Tournee, auf
der sie von der Cellistin Lori Goldstein zwischen dem 18.10.93
und dem 8.1.94 begleitet werden. Dazwischen treten sie am 18.11. bei
MTVs "Unplugged" auf (ausgestrahlt zuerst am 16.12.1993);
am 12.12. hat das das Video zu "All Apologies" Premiere
bei MTV und einen Tag später nehmen NIRVANA ein Konzert für
MTVs "Live And Loud"-Programm auf: |
Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, IL, 23.10.93 (Vorgruppen: JAWBREAKER
- Radio Friendly Unit Shifters
- Drain You
- Breed
- About A Girl
- Heart-Shaped Box
- Sliver
- Dumb
- In Bloom
- Come As You Are
- Pennyroyal Tea
- School
- Polly
- Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam
- Milk It
- Rape Me
- Territorial Pissings
- Smells Like Teen Spirit
You Know You're Right (aka On The Mountain)
- All Apologies
- Something in the Way
- Scentless Apprentice
- On A Plain
- Blew
- Endless, Nameless
Springfield Civic Center, Springfield, MA, 10.11.93, Konzert
aufgenommen von Craig Overbay (Vorgruppen: THE BREEDERS und HALF
- Radio Friendly Unit Shifters
- Drain You
- Breed
- Serve The Servants
- About A Girl
- Heart-Shaped Box
- "I am just trying to..."
- "Kurt how many teeth are you
down to?"
- "So remember it's all fun until
someone gets hurt."
- "Err, do you guys like to rock?"
- "If you throw one more shoe"
- "This song's about the Devil."
- Dumb
- "Hey, hey we fucked this up
didn't we?"
- Come As You Are
- In Bloom
- Lithium
- Pennyroyal Tea
- School
- Polly
- Milk It
- Rape Me
- Territorial Pissings
- Smells Like Teen Spirit
- All Apologies
- On A Plain
- Scentless Apprentice
- Blew
- Destruction (mit You Know You're Right und Feedback-Solo
über 20 Minuten)
SST Rehearsal Facility, Weehawken, New Jersey, Proben for "MTV
Unplugged", 16./17.11.93
- Been A Son
- Molly's Lips
- Penny Royal Tea
- Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam
- Screen
- Old Age
- Plateau
- Lake Of Fire
- Been A Son
- Marigold
- Molly's Lips
- All Apologies
- Dumb
- On A Plain
- Something In The Way
- Where Did You Sleep Last Night
"MTV Unplugged", Sony Music Studios,
New York, 54th Street/10th Avenue, 18.11.93, Kameraproben und
- Come As You Are
- Come As You Are
- About A Girl
- About A Girl
- The Man Who Sold The World
- The Man Who Sold The World
- The Man Who Sold The World
- Polly
- Dumb (abgebrochen)
- Pennyroyal Tea
- Pennyroyal Tea
- Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam
- Plateau
- Lake Of Fire
- Oh Me
- Oh Me (Version)
- Plateau
- All Apologies
"MTV Unplugged", Sony Music Studios,
New York, 54th Street/10th Avenue, 18.11.93, produziert von NIRVANA
und Scott Litt, abgemischt in Louie's Clubhouse
About A Girl
- Come As You Are
- Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam (aka Jesus Doesn't Want
Me For A Sunbeam) (Krist Novoselic Akkordion, Dave Grohl Bass,
Lori Goldston Cello)
- The Man Who Sold The World (Lori Goldston Cello)
- Pennyroyal Tea
- Dumb (Lori Goldston Cello)
- Polly (Lori Goldston Cello)
- On A Plain (Lori Goldston Cello)
- Something In The Way (Lori Goldston Cello)
- Plateau (Krist Novoselic, Curt und Cris Kirkwood Gitarren,
Cris Kirkwood Chor)
- Oh Me (Krist Novoselic, Curt und Cris Kirkwood Gitarren)
- Lake Of Fire (Krist Novoselic und Curt Kirkwood Gitarren,
Cris Kirkwood Chor)
- All Apologies (Lori Goldston Cello)
- Where Did You Sleep Last Night (Lori Goldston Cello)
- Sweet Home Alabama Jam (Krist und Kurt Gesang, Curt Kirkwood
Gitarre, Cris Kirkwood Bass)
- Negative Creep Jam
- Sliver Jam
- In Bloom Jam
- Scentless Apprentice Jam
- Serve The Servants Jam
- Freebird Jam (nicht bestätigt)
"MTV Live and direct" Pier 48, Seattle, WA, 13.12.93
Proben am vormittag
- Very Ape
- Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
- Drain You
- Breed
- Serve The Servants
- Rape Me
- Sliver
- Pennyroyal Tea
- Scentless Apprentice
- All Apologies
- weitere Songs unbekannt
"MTV Live and direct" Pier 48, Seattle, WA, 13.12.93,
aufgenommen von Scott Litt, abgemischt von Andy Wallace (Vorgruppen:
Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
- Drain You
- Breed
- Serve The Servants
- Rape Me
- Sliver
- Pennyroyal Tea
Scentless Apprentice
- All Apologies
- Heart-Shaped Box
- Blew
- The Man Who Sold The World
- School
- Come As You Are
- Lithium
- About A Girl
- "Guitar Demolition" (Ausschnitt aus Endless,
Endless, Nameless
- Jam (Kurt schlägt auf die Kameras heftig ein.
Am Ende spuckt er in eine Kamera, um dann Kids auf die
Bühne zu holen und schließlich sarkastisch das Publikum
zu beklatschen.)
Great Western Forum, Inglewood, CA, 30.12.93 , aufgenommen
von Craig Overbay (Vorgruppen: BUTTHOLE SURFERS, TAD
- Radio Friendly Unit Shifters
- Drain You
- Breed
- Serve The Servants
- Come As You Are
- Smells Like Teen Spirit
- Sliver
- Dumb
- In Bloom
- About A Girl
- Lithium
- Pennyroyal Tea
- School
- Polly
- Francis Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle
- Rape Me
- Territorial Pissings
- Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam
- The Man Who Sold The World
- All Apologies
- On A Plain
"Oooooh, do you people like to
drink gin?"
- "I have spent all my life trying
to stay away from sports"
- "Did you just say pussy?"
- Heart-Shaped Box
- Blew
- Stage Destruction/You Really Got Me (Krist
unbekanntes Konzert, Dezember 1993
The Man Who Sold The World (electric version)
unbekanntes Konzert, USA, 1994
Seattle Center Arena, Seattle, WA, 7.1.94, aufgenommen von
Craig Overbay, abgemischt von Andy Wallace (Vorgruppen: THE BREEDERS
- Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
- Drain You
- Breed
- Serve The Servants
- Come As You Are
- Smells Like Teen Spirit
- Sliver
- Dumb
- In Bloom
- About A Girl
- Lithium
- Pennyroyal Tea
- School
- Polly
- Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle
Milk It
- "This song is dedicated to
Frank Zappa"
- "Thank you all for coming"
- "We are going to have a cigarette
break now."
- Rape Me
- Territorial Pissings
- Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam
- The Man Who Sold the World
- All Apologies
- On A Plain
- Scentless Apprentice
- Heart-Shaped Box
- Blew
Kurts Wohnung, Seattle, zwischen
Sommer 1993 und Anfang 1994, Home-Demo
You Know You're Right
- weitere Songs?
Kurts Wohnung, Schlafzimmer,
Seattle, Anfang 1994, Home-Demo
Do Re Mi (aka Me And My IV
oder Dough, Ray and Me)
- weitere Songs?
Bob Lang's Studio, Shoreline,
WA, 28.-30.1.94, produziert von Adam
Kasper, ohne Pat Smear, er sollte später seine Gitarre
- "Dave w/echoplex" (ohne Kurt, mit Ernest Bailey
- New Wave Groove (long version 1) (ohne Kurt)
- New Wave Groove (long version 2) (ohne
- New Wave Groove (short version) (ohne Kurt)
- New Beat/In Cars (guitar melody version) (ohne Kurt)
- New Beat/In Cars (bass melody version) (ohne Kurt)
- "Chris w/acoustic" (ohne Kurt)
- "Dave/acoustic + voc" (frühe Version von February
Stars) (ohne Kurt)
"20 minutes jam/Jam with Kurt"
- "Kurts tune #1" (aka You Know You're Right) (take
- "Kurts tune #1" (aka You Know
You're Right) (take 2)
- "Kurts tune #1" (aka You Know
You're Right) (take 3)
- "Jam After Dinner"
- Exhausted (ohne Kurt)
- Big Me (ohne Kurt)
- Butterflies (ohne Kurt)
- French Abortion (long version) (ohne Kurt)
- French Abortion (short version) (ohne Kurt)
- Skid Mark (ohne Kurt)
- Trash Tune (ohne Kurt)
- weitere Songs ohne Kurt?